* URL Notification System, October 2010, uns.randomintervals.com, sourceforge.net/projects/uns/ * --------- Version 1.0.1 (2010-11-30) ----------- * = Fixed some issues with redirecting pages. * = Fixed Installer, it was mal-forming the hostname variable for the config file. * = Fixed Base URLs to the server were being skewed. * + Added emergency flag to XML output on client index. * --------- Version 1.0.0 (2010-10-04) ----------- * + Active Directory based authentication * + Allows multiple client computers with separate list of urls * + Emergency messages. Easily set a message on all client computers in the event of an emergency. This overrides the clients standard lists. * + Create quick custom pages. These can be used in the client url list or the emergency url list * + Copy URLs from one client to another * + Save a list of URLs for future use * + RSS Feed Support, choose max number of feeds to view in a page. * + RSS v2.0 * + ATOM RSS */